"The impact of silence is immense – through sharing my story I hope I have broken down some stigma or at least provided some insights into living with bipolar disorder."
“My bipolar slams me up and slams me down. My head can be relentless and I find it incredibly difficult to rest. When I'm getting manic, I become addicted to doing things almost as a way of outrunning my head but often my thoughts can become strange and frightening.”
“It is hard for people to understand bipolar disorder as many who have the condition find it hard to comprehend it themselves. Its symptoms are so diverse that no two people have the same experience of it during their lives.”
"I wish people understood that having bipolar doesn’t mean you are never in a period of wellness the same as any other person who doesn’t have the condition. I wish people understood that you can live a perfectly normal life with the illness."
“People can perform to the highest standards and live with bipolar. It spurs me on to do better and succeed as a leader."
"While it is important that an illness such as bipolar disorder is recognised as a disability, it is also important to stress that when those of us with bipolar are well, we are capable of having mortgages, being great parents, being highly productive at work and so much more."
“Something I wish people understood about bipolar is that it is not like it's portrayed in the movies. It is not the flick of a switch that your mood changes.”
"Living with any mental health issue is so difficult but if you can do one thing today to help yourself then please do it, no matter how big or small."
“I feel stronger and more empathetic as a result of my experiences of mental ill-health. I hope to use my experience in my career and to help others."
“Bipolar doesn't exist in a vacuum. It seeps into every aspect of my life. If it's going to be supported, that support has to be holistic."
"I feel society has become more understanding and accepting of bipolar. But some things I would highlight are that someone being bipolar doesn't mean they are sick all the time or that they are any less able than anyone else."
"For people going through this mental health journey I would like them to know that there is help out there - you are not alone. I always encourage them speak out and ask for the help."
"Either too dark or too brilliant, is how I'd describe living with bipolar - like some cerebral Wizard of Oz seeing the world spin from the grey spectrum to technicolour."

This year’s global theme of #BipolarStrong highlights our shared journey and resilience. 

World Bipolar Day is celebrated each year on March 30th. Affecting up to 40 million people worldwide (WHO, 2022), it is estimated that 1-2% of people in Ireland experience a lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorder. It is a complex and chronic condition characterized by extreme changes in mood and energy and can have a profound impact on every aspect of a person’s day to day life.

Whether you are living with bipolar disorder, supporting a loved one or simply wish to educate yourself on the condition, we would encourage you to check out the resources below. These include lived experience stories, clinical insights and information on available supports.

Aware Mental Health Programmes

Empowering yourself with knowledge & tools to live well

Bipolar disorder is a condition that requires lifelong management – and knowledge is an essential first step. If you are living with bipolar disorder or supporting a loved one, we would really encourage you to check out our free positive mental health programmes below. Our Living Well With Bipolar Disorder Programme and Family Support Programme are open for registration.

The Living Well With Bipolar Disorder Programme is a FREE information and support programme. Educational in nature, the aim of the programme is to provide you with opportunities to understand and manage bipolar disorder effectively, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to live well. The programme is delivered over the course of eight weeks, one session per week, by an experienced mental health professional. 

A man and woman facing each other in a coffee shop window - Relatives & Friends Programme Image

The Family Support Programme is a FREE psychoeducational programme designed specifically for those supporting a loved one. The aim is to focus on the self-care of the supporter, while also equipping the supporter with the tools to understand and support a loved one experiencing depression or bipolar disorder. The programme is delivered over the course of four weeks, one session per week, by a mental health professional.

Watch Back: Insights into Bipolar Disorder

Lived Experience Stories & Clinical Insights

Our wonderful ambassadors offer valuable insights into their experiences of bipolar disorder.

Clinical experts offer their insights into bipolar disorder, its impact, and supports.

Bipolar disorder: Diagnosis and recovery
Living Well With Bipolar Disorder Programme - insights

Exploring Bipolar Disorder & Tips on Coping

A lined sheet of paper with the words bipolar disorder on it
What is bipolar disorder and how does it affect me?
Helpful tips for coping with bipolar disorder
Man sitting at a laptop with a coffee - Life Skills Group Image
Living Well With Bipolar Disorder Programme
Support & Self Care Groups

Supporting Others

If you are looking for information and resources to help you as you support a loved one who experiences bipolar disorder, we have some helpful actions and options below.

Supporting Friends and Family
A man and woman facing each other in a coffee shop window - Relatives & Friends Programme Image
Our Family Support Programme is designed specifically for those supporting a loved one
Our Relatives & Friends Support & Self Care Group takes place online Wednesday at 7pm
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