Aware is delighted to announce the opening of The Solace Café from Friday May 24th. The Solace Café is a free out of hours friendly and supportive community space open to anyone from the Dublin South area requiring mental health support.
Operating out of Aware, 9 Leeson Street Upper, Ranelagh, Dublin 4, D04 KD80, the Solace Café will be available Thursday to Sunday 5-10pm each week. This is an appointment only service, accepting self-referrals and referrals from healthcare practitioners, NGO’s and community partner agencies.
Who is this service for?
The Solace Café is a friendly and supportive community space offering free out-of-hours mental health support.
If there is an immediate risk of harm, please attend your local A&E or call 999 for assistance.
What The Solace Café offers:
· A calm supportive environment for self-reflection and recuperation
· One to one active listening support with trained mental health staff and volunteers
· One to one practical supports, such as information and signposting of other helpful services
· One to one support if you are presenting in distress or crisis
· Support with crisis resolution to include building resilience and coping strategies
· Recovery planning
· Signposting and guidance on navigating local health, wellbeing and community services, and engaging with mental health services
· Social interaction with other café users
· Access to individual and group learning opportunities to help identify positive coping strategies, problem solving skills and recovery practices
Please book here or phone 01- 525 2560.
The Solace Café is delivered by Aware in partnership with St. John of God’s Community Mental Health Services and the HSE. This café forms part of a wider national initiative to develop and expand hours of mental health support in line with the Sharing the Vision: A Mental Health Policy for Everyone, and the National Model of Care for Crisis Resolution Services.