Watch the video below to see what to expect from our Life Skills Online Programme which you complete through a platform called Silvercloud.
What is Life Skills Online?
Based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), our Life Skills Programme is designed to help you learn more about how we think and how this can influence our actions in helpful or unhelpful ways.
The programme is comprised of eight modules which you can work through online in your own time from the comfort of your own home. You benefit from the support of an Aware trained volunteer Supporter for the first eight weeks, who you can choose to share your progress with. To get the most from this programme we recommend you complete one module per week for eight consecutive weeks. Your Supporter will check in with you online to see how you’re getting on with each week’s module. After this eight week period, you will have access to the modules to review and reflect upon for up to 12 months.
Registration is now closed, but you can register your interest for our next programme phase beginning Monday, May 12th
Proven Results
Our Life Skills Online Programme is delivered in conjunction with SilverCloud Health. The programme was developed by Trinity College Dublin and SilverCloud Health.
The programme has been independently evaluated by Aware. The evaluation showed a statistically significant improvement in participants’ self-reported levels of anxiety and depression after completion. This means that participants of the Life Skills Programme reported lower levels of anxiety and depression.
Life Skills is also consistent with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for the treatment of depression and anxiety. NICE is an organisation which provides independent, authoritative and evidence-based guidance on the most effective ways to prevent, diagnose and treat ill-health.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our programme is aimed at individuals, who reside in Ireland, who are experiencing mild to moderate depression, stress and/or anxiety and would like to learn new ways to deal with life’s challenges.
Eight modules completed in your own time, over eight consecutive weeks. You will be able to review these sessions for up to 12 months afterwards.
Yes, only individuals aged 18 years and over may take part in our Life Skills programme.
Feedback from past participants
- “Thank you so much. Life Skills Online has made a difference to me and my life. I’ve done many courses in the past, but I’ve personally found this course the most useful. Things are looking up for me right now, and I’m enjoying it, if that makes sense.”
- “Allowed me to separate and identify issues I cannot fix”
- “I thought it made a big difference to me but when my wife cried and said she got her husband back I was blown away, I didn’t realise she felt this way in the first place so it was amazing to know I have changed.”