Home > Fundraise for Aware
Fundraise for Aware
We are grateful that you are considering fundraising for Aware. Your kindness can contribute to Aware’s free services, ensuring people across the country have access to support at times of difficulty.
If you would like to organise your own fundraising event in support of Aware, we would love to hear from you!
Every euro raised makes a difference.
Would you like to fundraise for Aware, but have some questions?

Step 1: Decide what you're going to do

Organise a walk, run, cycle-athon or bootcamp style challenge

Go virtual

Car boot sale

Host a coffee morning or a "Come Dine With Me" night
We love hearing of innovative ideas so feel free to think outside the box!
Step 2: Process and guidelines
Tell us about your event.
We’re here to support you and your event in any way that is helpful.
To fundraise on behalf of Aware, you will need to read these guidelines.
Step 3: Start fundraising
Create an online fundraising page. This is the easiest and most secure way to return your donation to Aware.
Alternatively you can return your donation through the website (click “donate” at top of page) or by bank transfer (contact Cherie for bank details).
Do you have further questions about fundraising for Aware, or need our bank details?
Aware Donor Charter
As a charity seeking donations from the public, Aware operates within the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public as published by the Charities Regulator. Our pledge is to treat all our donors with respect, honesty and openness. We will ensure that we are accountable and transparent in every facet of our operation, so that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in all aspects of the way in which we run our organisation.